Middelen Audio Board



Joost Kircz, a long time Marxist activist, is board member since 1982 and deals with the general legal and financial matters of the IIRE/IIRF. He represents the IIRE in the society of owners of the Timorplein complex.

His main interest is the relationship between science and Marxism. He was Chairman of the Amsterdam Anders/ De Groenen group (a radical activist party) in the Amsterdam Centre borough council from 2002-2010. He operates an independent research company on knowledge transfer with electronic means ( www.kra.nl ) and was until recently part-time Lector (reader) at the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam. His political papers can be found at:
http://www.kra.nl/Website/Publ-spp.htm .

The Institut International de Recherches et de Formation (IIRF) or in English International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE), is a Belgian Non Profit International Association. It was founded by Ernest Mandel and has been recognized as an International Scientific and Non Profit Association by Royal decree on 11 June 1981.

The IIRF is being registered in Brussels, Belgian at the Kruispuntbank nr. 421632274.
In Amsterdam the IIRF/IIRE is registered at the Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam nr. 34242044, as congress and study centre, as well as organiser of education sources, seminars, conferences and research. The VAT number of the IIRF is:
NL 8153.35.210.B01.

The IIRF has members and a board.
The present board members are:

Joost Kircz- Chairman
Marijke Colle- Secretary
Penelope Duggan- Member