Links The Institute

The Institute

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Staff (4)

Our current staff consist of:

  • Co-Director - Maral Jefroudi
  • Co-Director - Alex de Jong
  • Commercial manager - Aat van Wijk
  • Librarian - Arend van de Poel


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Former directors (13)

Few people have contributed to forming and developing the Institute like our former directors. We would like to thank each of them for the great amount of work they have done to make the institute what it is today.

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IIRE Islamabad (2)


IIRE Islamabad

The International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE) Islamabad is an independent chapter of IIRE Amsterdam. IIRE Islamabad is established in 2010 in collaboration with Amsterdam office. Now the institute is functioning independently with the aim to develop a cadre of political, human rights and peace activists to strengthen the democratic and progressive environment for the development of society.



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 A bilingual award-winning author of more than 40 books and countless articles on Latin America, Mexico, globalization, and labor migration, Dr. James D. Cockcroft (Ph.D., Stanford University, 1966) has been described by the American Library Association's Choice magazine as "an internationally known and distinguished scholar." A bilingual poet and life-long human rights activist, he is best known as a Latin America expert, writer, and public speaker. His multilingual blog is

 Noam Chomsky is the Institute Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Emerit Research Director in Sociology at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), Paris, since 1978. Silver Medal of the CNRS as the best social scientist in 1994. Guest Lecturer at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, since 1981.

Professor of Development Studies and International Relations at the London School of Oriental and African Studies

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bv.jpgBertil Videt holds degrees in Political Science and International Relations, from the University of Copenhagen and Middle East Technical University (Ankara).

He has previously worked as interpreter, journalist and immediate before taking up his position at the IIRE as research coordinator for "Promoting Romani Rights in Turkey".

Bertil Videt has written articles on a number of topics, including European Affairs, Middle East, Turkey, The Political Role of the Military, Minorities and Social Movements. His articles have been published in 10 languages.


Fluency: English, French, Danish.
Working knowledge: Dutch, Spanish, Turkish.

Bertil Videt was co-director from 2007 to 2010.

Het International Institute for Research and Education



- in dienst van progressieve bewegingen wereldwijd

Het International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE) biedt activisten en onderzoekers wereldwijd faciliteiten voor onderzoek en scholing in drie locaties: Amsterdam, Islamabad en Manila.

Sinds de oprichting in 1982 is de voornaamste activiteit van het IIRE het organiseren van scholingen. We organiseren cursussen en seminars over alle facetten van de emancipatie van onderdrukte en uitgebuit groepen. Honderden mensen hebben deelgenomen aan onze activiteiten, de meerderheid van is  afkomstig uit het Globale Zuiden. Het IIRE heeft zich ontwikkeld tot een vooraanstaand centrum voor de ontwikkeling van maatschappijkritische theorie en uitwisseling tussen activisten. Onze bijeenkomsten geven activisten een unieke kans, bevrijd van de alledaagse druk, hun betrokkenheid in sociale bewegingen, studentenorganisaties, vakbonden et cetera tegen het licht te houden en internationaal ervaringen uit te wisselen.

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