Het instituut Fellows Fellows Michel Husson

Michel Husson

Michel Husson (born 1949) is a French economist specialised in econometrics. Husson is a member of the body of administrators of the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies. He is equally a member of the Copernic Foundation and of ATTAC's scientific board.

Selected Publications:

  • Travail flexible, salariés jetables, La Découverte, 2006.
  • Supprimer les licenciements, Syllepse, 2006.
  • Les casseurs de l’État social, La Découverte, 2003.
  • Le grand bluff capitaliste, La Dispute, 2001.
  • Six milliards sur la planète : sommes-nous trop ?, Textuel, 2000.
  • Les ajustements de l’emploi, Page deux, 1999.