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Aat van Wijk studied printing design and photography and was chairperson of the Den Haag union local of workers in the printing industry. He also has years of experience running his own theatre and later an Indonesian restaurant. In the sixties he became politically active and he was a member of the Red Youth until its dissolution.

Leftwing journals and theory

International Viewpoint Online socialist magazine
Inprecor Actualités politiques internationales de la revue Inprecor sous reponsabilité de la Quatrième internationale
Punto de Vista Internacional El sitio web en castellano de la Cuarta Internacional
New Left Review Journal published every two months from London
Historical Materialism Journal Research in Critical Marxist Theory
La revue Contretemps fondée par le philosophe Daniel Bensaïd en 2001
Democracia Socialista  
Le site de Daniel Bensaïd  
Ernest Mandel Internet archive
Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal  
Resistance Books Publisher of ecosocialist books
Uitpers Webzine voor Internationale Politiek


Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières  
CADTM Comité pour l’abolition de la dette du tiers-monde
IISG International Institute of Social History

Regular visitors of the IIRE

Black European Summer School  
Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen  
Viva las Vegas  
Clean Clothes Campaign  
Schone Kleren  
Food Film Festival  
Campagne tegen de wapenhandel  

Ecology, ecosocialism

Climate and Capitalism  
The Carbon Tracker Initiative  

Women’s movement

Marche Mondiale des Femmes  
World March of Women  
Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres  
Sisyphe, site féministe d’information, d’analyse et d’opinion  

Farmers, food sovereignty

La Via Campesina International Peasant Movement
IIRE Manila  


SOWS Stichting voor Onderzoek naar en vorming in het Wetenschappelijk Socialisme
With this charity foundation we closely work together in our educational and reasearch projects.
The SOWS is one the main donors for our non-commercial acitivties.

Arend van de Poel (1948) was born in Amsterdam. In 1966 he became involved in the Vietnam-movement and became a member of the SJ (Socialist Youth). He soon developed towards a revolutionary socialist position and when the Dutch section re-entered the Fourth International, he became a member. He worked from 1973 as a financial specialist for the municipality of Amsterdam and took part in major trade union activities, some related to pay and working conditions, some more political, such as the demonstrations of civil servants against deployment of cruise missiles and against racial discrimination

Herman Pieterson (Amsterdam, 1951) is historian. He published work on the Dutch revolutionary parties RSP, OSP and RSAP. He worked as a teacher in Higher Education and as data-expert for the public authorities. Currently he is researching the contribution of Dutch economists to the theory of economic long waves.

Herman Pieterson was co-director from 1985 to 1988.

iire second ecology seminar 2013 - Terry Conway ( leadership of Socialist Resistance)



L'IIRF abrite une collection unique de textes sur l'histoire du mouvement social et de la théorie sociale radicale, avec un accent particulier sur l'histoire et la pensée de la Quatrième Internationale. Nous avons une solide et croissante bibliothèque d'un peu plus de 25,000 livres et plusieurs milliers de périodiques classés sur trois étages. La plupart des livres sont dans une des trois langues de travail de l'Institut : l'anglais, le français et l'espagnol; mais nous avons aussi d'importantes collections de publications en allemand, portuguais, et italien, et de plus petites en différentes autres langues. Le travail d'indexage de l'ensemble de la bibliothèque est en cours et vous pouvez consulter le catalogue ici. En dehors de l'utilisation faite par nos intervenants et nos étudiants, la bibliothèque est disponible en consultation pour les chercheurs et étudiants sur rendez-vous.

Nous acceptons les grosses et petites donations à notre bibliothèque. Contactez nous si vous avez des livres que vous souhaitez nous mettre à disposition.

Entrez la bibliothèque et catalogue ici

The IIRE is housed in a part of a former crafts school. We have one large meeting room and two smaller meetings rooms as well as a kitchen and dining hall. Two of our meeting rooms are equipped with simultaneous translation booths. We have 26 beds available, in seven two or four-bed rooms. Each room is equipped with wardrobes and an en-suite bathroom. All rooms are wheelchair accessible. Our facilities include digital audio and recording equipment and broadband internet suitable for webcasting and wifi computers. Around the corner of Lombokstraat there are two cinemas, a theatre and a pleasant cafe with an outdoor terrace, all hosted by Studio/K. For more information on renting the IIRE facilities, go to