Activités Séminaires

 “We must do this again -very soon”, said one of the twenty-two radical socialist-feminists from eleven countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia, who participated in the IIRE International Women's Seminar, 11-15 July. “It was so positive to have the time to explore these issues together and look at them in an international context."

« Il nous faut le faire de nouveau dans un futur proche », disait une des vingt-deux féministes-socialistes venues de onze pays d'Europe, d'Amérique-Latine et d'Asie pour le Séminaire International Femmes qui s'est tenu à l'IIRE du 11 au 15 juillet.

« On avait le temps de creuser ensemble les sujets et de les comprendre d'un point de vue international. »


On the weekend 19-21 June, IIRE hosted the  Europe-wide Meeting on Solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Over 120 people, representing diplomatic missions, Bolivarian Circles and other solidarity organisations from a wide array of traditions, attended the three-day event which was co-sponsored by the Bolivarian Circle of The Netherlands and the Venezuelan Embassy at The Hague.

white_phosphorus_over_gaza.jpgThis question is ever so urgent to discuss, in order to advance concrete proposals and the work of solidarity as bombs fall over Gaza and the number of innocent victims increases from day to day. Mid-February, IIRE will hold it Palestine Seminar, bringing together progressive activists from several Arab countries and Israel, as well as experts and activists dealing with the Middle East from Europe, North America and the Philippines. IIRE relies on donations from its friends in order to provide travel grants to activists from the Arab world and Asia, and to organise translation between English, French and Arabic. If you would like to help facilitate this gathering of progressive forces, in order to develop a radical alternative to imperialism, genocide and religious fundamentalism, kindly use the link below to donate. Every donation is appreciated.

IIRE  - CLIMATE CHANGE SEMINAR  22 to 26 of February

Progressive movements faced with climate change: the need for an energy revolution and social transformation.

Summary article:  Climate Change, Energy Revolution and Social Transformation -

See individual content below.

C'est un séminaire à bien des égards fructueux et stimulant qui s'est tenu à Amsterdam du 23 au 27 février 2008 à l'invitation de l’IIRE. Intitulé « Face aux changements climatiques, Révolution énergétique et transformation sociale », cette initiative a rassemblé de manière ouverte militants experts et experts militants, membres ou non de notre courant politique. Parmi les experts notons notamment des interventions de Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, climatologue, Daniel Tanuro, ingénieur agronome, Carine Barbier, économiste de l'énergie, Michel Husson et Jean-Marie Harribey, économistes, Phil Ward, chimiste, le physicien Jean-Paul Deléage s'étant fait excuser. Au total, environ 50 personnes ont assisté au séminaire venant d'Europe (Allemagne, Belgique, Danemark, Suède, Italie, Espagne, France, Grande-Bretagne, Grèce), d'Asie (Turquie), d'Amérique du Nord (Canada, États-Unis) et du Sud (Brésil), beaucoup étant directement impliquées dans la construction de mobilisations et mouvements contre le changement climatique.

Two Generations of Feminists Look at Globalization Movement from Porto Alegre to Florence

From July 7 to 13, the IIRE held a Women's Seminar to discuss global strategy for Women's Liberation. Although with fewer participants than hoped, we had women from Québec, Canada, United States, France, England and Denmark.

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