Activities Evening lectures September 27: Socialist Humanism recordings
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 14:58

September 27: Socialist Humanism recordings

"To answer questions about values, human nature and material needs it is necessary to formulate a vision on what it means to be human, and on the development of human society. Instead of leading to constrictions on human freedom such a vision can give direction to human life and to new possibilities to change our lives. This was the theme of the lecture: 'The meaning and relevance of a socialist humanism' by the German historian and publicist Christoph Jünke.

Read more for video and audio of the lecture.



Video Download (Lecture in English)

Audio of the lecture

Christoph Jünke is chairperson of the Leo Kofler-Gesellschaft and writer of 'Sozialistisches Strandgut', a biography of the German Marxist anthropologist Leo Kofler and 'Der lange Schatten des Stalinismus. Sozialismus und Demokratie gestern und heute'. He works at the Fernuniversität in Hagen."

Activities Evening lectures September 27: Socialist Humanism recordings