Activiteiten Seminars


Het tweede seminarie over ecologie dat in het IIRE werd georganiseerd door de Vierde Internationale was een betekenisvolle stap vooruit. De aanwezigheid van leden van nationale leidingen toont dat ons werk en onze activiteiten rond de ecologische crisis belangrijker zijn geworden. Ons ecosocialistisch alternatief voor het kapitalistisch systeem wordt meer en meer een centraal thema in de partijen van meerdere landen. De resoluties die op de laatste twee wereldcongressen werden gestemd, kregen zo hun concrete toepassing in de dagelijkse politieke praktijk.



The organisation of an International Women’s Seminar was decided in February 2012 by the leadership of the International.

The response was very important. About 30 women will be attending the seminar, coming from Belgium, Brazil, Britain, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Spain, Sri Lanka and Switzerland.

We received donations for helping with the travel costs of the participants from the Third World to an amount of more than 2000 €. The International paid also part of the travel costs.



13th - 15th January 2012

Daniel Bensaïd was a leading member of the Fourth International in France(in the Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire) and internationally. He died at the age of 63 in January 2010. He was also a philosopher and prolific author of political and philosophical works. It is difficult to separate out these multiple dimensions of Daniel but this seminar will especially approach his contribution as one of the central leaders of the 4th International and the international revolutionary movement. The participants, around forty in number, will be militants who worked or were active with Daniel in the International or through international revolutionary experiences or building of national revolutionary organizations.

Friday morning 18 November 2011:

9h00 to 9h15: Welcome and presentation of the seminar.

9h15 to 10H00. The emergence of a multipolar world and the new face of imperialism. Speaker: Cedric Durand, France.

10h00 – 10h45: Debate.10H45- 11H15: The return of the food and energy crisis: structural problems and/or financial speculation? Speaker: Sean Thompson, UK.

11H15 – 12H00: Debate.

12h00 to 13h30 Lunch


Friday afternoon.

13h30 to 14h30: The economic background of the political rebellion in North Africa and the Middle-East. Possible speakers: Adam Hanieh (UK).

14h30 to 14h45: Pause

14h45 to 15h30: Debate

15H30 to 15H45: Pause

15h45 to 16h45: The state of the economy in Latin America. Speaker, Claudio Katz (Argentina)

16H45 to 17H00: Pause.

17H to 18h00: Debate

19h00: Dinner.


Saturday morning, 19 November

9h00 to 9H30: Introduction to the special debate on Europe: new developments of the crisis in Europe: the debt trap. Speaker: Eric Toussaint, 30 minutes.

9h30-10h30: Exiting the Eurozone: a good or bad solution? Speakers, 20 minutes each: Costas Lapavitsas (UK), Michel Husson, Philippe Légé (France)

10h30 to 10H45: Pause

10h45 to 11h10: alternatives on the debt and fiscal crisis in Europe. Speaker Özlem Onaran (UK), 25 minutes.

11H10 to 12H30: debate.

12h30 to 14h00 Lunch

Saturday afternoon.

14H00 to 14H50: debate.

14h50 to 15h30: Conclusions on Europe: agreement, disagreements and proposals, Costas, Michel, Philippe, Eric and Özlem, 8 minutes each.

15h30-15h45: Pause

15H45 to 16H45: The state of the crisis in the USA. Joel Geier, ISO, (USA).

16h45-17h00: Pause

17h00 to 18h00: Debate

19h00: Dinner.


Sunday morning, 20 November

9h00 to 9H45: Presentation: The Chinese economy and its impact on world growth. Speaker: Jean Sanuk (France).

9h45 to 10h00: Pause.

10h00 to 10h45 Debate

10h45 to 11h30: The economic and political situation in South Africa. Speaker: Brian Ashley, South Africa, (to be confimed).

11h30 to 12h15: debate on Africa.

12H15-13H30: Lunch Sunday afternoon.

13H30 to 14H00: Closure of the seminar

14H00: Departure

Check the program here

This second seminar is a follow-up of the seminar on the economic crisis held in October 2-4 2009. The first seminar was dedicated to the analysis of the immediate consequences of the so-called “subprime crisis” in the USA, namely the rescue of bankrupt banks with public money, the demise of international financial markets, and the deep recession that followed with its dramatic consequences in terms of massive dismissals and increase of poverty.



2-4 October 2009, IIRE, Amsterdam

The purpose of the seminar is to analyse the nature and the consequences of the present international economic crisis. Two main issues should be raised:

  • What is the nature of the present crisis? Is it a classical economic crisis of capitalism? Or is it a new kind of economic crisis due to the peculiar role of finance? A crisis of financialised capitalism? Are there solid reasons to believe that it will be as dramatic as 1929 or not?

All the participants in the fourth LGBT seminar held at the IIRE in July 2009 were extremely positive about what they had had gained from sharing the three days of discussion and debate on key issues facing LGBT people working in an anti-capitalist framework.

 “We must do this again -very soon”, said one of the twenty-two radical socialist-feminists from eleven countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia, who participated in the IIRE International Women's Seminar, 11-15 July. “It was so positive to have the time to explore these issues together and look at them in an international context."

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