liens Annual Reports

Annual Reports (4)

lundi, 01 mars 2010 13:25


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L’année 2009 a été marquée par la crise économique mondiale qui est clairement une crise systémique du monde capitaliste en tant que tel. Cette crise converge avec la crise climatique, ce qui accentue encore la nécessité d’un changement radical des relations sociales au niveau mondial. Et cela constitue un défi majeur pour toutes les forces progressistes du monde. L’IIRE a  repensé ses programmes de formation dans ce nouveau cadre. C’est l’analyse de ces crises globales à partir des différents angles de vue qui ont été au cœur  des activités de l’IIRE en 2009.


Dans ce cadre, les quatre séminaires et deux écoles de formation ont constitué une année très productive pour l’IIRE.


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Download the International Institute for Research and Education 2009 Annual Report.

mercredi, 05 janvier 2011 11:43

IIRE 2008 Annual Report

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After a full year of operations at the Timorplein in Amsterdam, the IIRE stands strong as a truly international, radical left think tank and study centre for social activists. Thanks to commercial activity conducted at our building, the influx of volunteers and generous donations, the IIRE has proven itself to becoming a sustainable project serving the social movements geared towards transforming our world.

Our Global Justice School held in April, and the Youth School in August were as usual, well-attended by experienced activists from around the world. Likewise, the hosting of various important activities that spoke to contemporary debates brought life into the newly remodelled building.

For the IIRE, 2008 was also characterised by unprecedented outreach locally and internationally.

This year, the IIRE became a model for similar projects of activist training. In November, our sister organisation in The Philippines, IIRE Manila, opened the doors of its newly purchased building. Spaces for the library and lodging facilities have been completed. 

Read the entire 2008 Annual Report (pdf)

lundi, 01 mars 2010 13:25

IIRE 2009 Annual Report

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Globally, 2009 has been marked by the economic crisis, which has turned out to be a systemic crisis for the capitalist world system as such. As this crisis is converging with the climate crisis, the world stage is set for a radical change in global social relations. This constitutes a major challenge for progressive forces around the world, and has required the International Institute for Research and Education to rethink its programmes and curricula. The global crises, and our attempt to analyse them from different perspectives, remained a cardinal point of all IIRE activities throughout 2009.

With no less than four seminars and two longer educational sessions 2009 turned out to be a very productive year for the International Institute for Research and Education.

Download the International Institute for Research and Education 2009 Annual Report.

Globally, 2009 has been marked by the economic crisis, which has turned out to be a systemic crisis for the
capitalist world system as such. As this crisis is converging with the climate crisis, the world stage is set for a
radical change in global social relations. This constitutes a major challenge for progressive forces around the
world, and has required the International Institute for Research and Education to rethink its programmes and
curricula. The global crises, and our attempt to analyse them from different perspectives, remained a cardinal
point of all IIRE activities throughout 2009.
With no less than four seminars and two longer educational sessions 2009 turned out to be a very productive
year for the International Institute for Research and Education.
mardi, 03 juin 2008 15:50

IIRE 2007 Annual Report

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The International Institute for Research and Education celebrated its 25 years anniversary in 2007, as it underwent the most radical relaunch of its history.  Along with the physical move of the IIRE a far-reaching relaunch was intended, which now is in its early stages.

The comprehensive aim of the IIRE after the relaunch is summarized in the vision of the IIRE: “The IIRE's vision is to become a dynamic and visible centre of research and education, a meeting place for activists and scholars, united in a common struggle for a world freed from all forms of exploitation and oppression.

Read the entire Annual Report (pdf)

liens Annual Reports