As the global financial crisis continues to fester, local and national governments tend to place the bulk of the burden on public spending. More cuts and lay-offs, reductions in salaries and the disappearance of community-based projects place the most vulnerable sectors of society at higher risk. Parallel to this leaning, liberal, multiparty democracy seems to be failing its citizens.  Now more than ever, it is time for activists to take matters into their own hands and reclaim what traditionally has belonged to the commons.

12 en 13 februari organiseert Grenzeloos een discussiebijeenkomst over links en de klimaatbeweging na Kopenhagen. Zaterdag 13 februari zal onder andere Marijke Colle, de nieuwe co-directeur van de het IIRE, een discussie inleiden over de opbouw van een ecosocialistische beweging. Kijk op de pagina van Grenzeloos voor het volledige programma.



The IIRE-Manila recently concluded its first high-profile acitivity, the first Asian Global Justice School. The set-up of the school was inspirired by the many succesful Global Justice School held at the IIRE-Amsterdam. The IIRE-Manila was set up to facilitate educational sessions similar to those organised by the IIRE-Amsterdam, especially for social justice activists from Asia that often have trouble obtaining visa necessary to attend the schools in Amsterdam. Another aim was to provide a perspective more centered on the Global South.