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New IIRE publication: 'Nationaliteit en Klassenstrijd in België' by Ernest Mandel

 Our newest publication just arrived. 'Nationaliteit en Klassenstrijd in België' (Nationality and Class Struggle in Belgium) is a Dutch language collection of articles written by Ernest Mandel, edited by Gertjan Desmet and Hendrik Patroons. The main part of the book consists of articles written between 1958-1973, considering how marxists should relate to the national question, and especially discussing the national question in Belgium. The book includes a prologue with two recently discovered articles on this issue written by a teenaged Mandel, and annexes outlining the history of the trotskyist movement in Belgium. The book can be ordered through our web-store.

Ernest Mandel (1923-1995) is best known for his work on political economy. His political work in the Belgian workers movement in the 1950's and 1960's aimed at integrating a marxist approach to the national question in the struggle against capitalism. The texts included in this edition shed light on a persistent problem of the Belgian state.
Mandel's many works include Marxist Economic Theory (1968), La Formation Économique de la Penseé de Karl Marx (1967), Late Capitalism (1978), The Long Waves of Capitalist Development (1980) and Money and Power (1992).

Gertjan DESMET (1987) is an archivist and historian.

Hendrik PATROONS (1946) studied history in Gent and Leuven. For over 40 years he has been active in the radical left in Belgium and France.

Last modified on Thursday, 13 March 2014 13:57