Next lecture:

Tuesday, June 9th, 7.30 p.m.

Contradictions and Limits of Neoliberal European Governance – Laura Horn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam






  • Qu'est-ce que le marxisme : matérialisme historique, Jean Nanga. 

Premiere partieTroisieme partie


  •  Afrique, révolution permanente, Jean Nanga. 

Premiere partie Deuxieme partie Troisieme partie


  •   Women's movement, Feminism and religion, Ozlem Barin.

First part Second part Third part


  • Environnement / changements climatiques, Daniel Tanuro.

Premiere partie Deuxieme partie Troisieme partie


  •  Imperialism / globalisation (War on terror, US hegemony with examples from Middle East), Peter Drucker.

 First part Second part Third part


  •  European integration and the radical left, Bertil Videt.

First part Second part Third part


  • Migration, nationalism, right wing populism, fascism, Liz Peretz and Bill MacKeith. 

First part Second part Third part


  • Latin America and strategies for taking power, Antonio Carmona Baez.

 First part Second part Third part


  • Construire les mouvements sociaux, les partis large et la Quatrième Internationale, Penelope Duggan. 

Premiere partie Deuxieme partie Troisieme partie



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By Joost Kircz

A preliminary remark

The term scientific socialism did get a negative connotation due to the usages of this term in the Stalinist tradition for a system of mental rules that claimed to cover all human experiences, investigations and advancements. As a result of this mechanical so-called dialectic materialism (Diamat), the revolutionary left turned away from the issue, developed a sometimes more, sometimes less adequate critique but did not counter it with a full answer to the real underlaying question of methodology. This lack of a fundamental understanding of the vast problem area of how we actually have to face, analyse and henceforward develop a revolutionary praxis remains a fundamental obstacle in the development of contemporary revolutionary theory.

 Download the entire essay as pdf (12 pages / 1 MB)