Activities Seminars IIRE - ECOLOGY SEMINAR 22-26 February 2008

IIRE - ECOLOGY SEMINAR 22-26 February 2008

IIRE  - CLIMATE CHANGE SEMINAR  22 to 26 of February

Progressive movements faced with climate change: the need for an energy revolution and social transformation.

Summary article:  Climate Change, Energy Revolution and Social Transformation -

See individual content below.



Climate change : The social impact and physical restraints of the restabilisation of the climate
Jean Pascal van Ypersele - Professor  of climatology & environmental sciences at the "Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve", Belgium

L’injustice fondamentale des changements climatiques

  Reference article:

Fact and fiction about climate change



The energy system

Jean-Paul Deleage – Physician, editor of Ecologie et politique



Challenges of the energy transition

Carine Barbier - Senior Program Officer of Energy and climate change



The neoliberal response to climate change from Rio to Bali

Daniel Tanuro – agricultural engineer , ecological correspondent of Rood/ La Gauche

Bali: An Initial Balance Sheet

Conférence de Bali sur le climat : premiers jugements à chaud




Defence of the climate and market mechanisms

Jean Marie Harribey – member of the scientific council of Attac-France



Climate change and developing countries, the example of Brazil

Joao Alfredo



The trade union movement faced with climate change

Manolo Gari



Long waves of capital accumulation and defence of the climate

Michel Husson - economist, member of the scientific council of Attac-France



The danger of ‘green’ neomalthusianism
Phil Ward

Population Control and Climate Change
Part One: Too Many People? 

 Population Control and Climate Change
Part Two: The Socialiste Alternative



  Women and Internationalism to Shut Down Big Oil: Direct Deals and Production-Consumption Strikes in the Democratic Transition to a Post-Oil World
Terisa Turner – Coordinator of  the International Oil Working Group and teacher at the University of Guelph, Canada

  Commoners Against Climate Change

Femmes nigérianes contre majors du pétrole : quelles leçons pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique ?


The lessons of campaigns around ‘natural’ disasters
Pierre Rousset – Former director of the International Institute for Research and Education



Mobilising for the global climate campaign
Sheila Malone – editor of Ecosocialism or barbarism



Marxism, energy alternatives and social transformation
Daniel Tanuro - agricultural engineer
, ecological correspondent of Rood/ La Gauche

Les projets capitalistes face au défi climatique : insuffisants, injustes, irrationnels … et redoutables

Carbon Trading - an Ecosocialist Critique 



A programme for the global climate campaign?
Aldo Macedo – parliamentarian of Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal



The worst case scenario and the ecosocialist response
Michael Löwy - research director in sociology at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), France

  Ecosocialism, democracy and planification

Manifeste écosocialiste international


Ecosocialism, Climate Change, and Global Justice
Joel Kovel - Editor of Capitalism Nature Socialism

 Why Ecosocialism Today?

An Ecosocialist Manifesto





Activities Seminars IIRE - ECOLOGY SEMINAR 22-26 February 2008